Helping Services for Northeast Iowa - ResourcesUnite!


For over 40 years Helping Services has been promoting the health and well-being of children and adults. We work to end domestic violence and child abuse; build healthy families, friendships, and relationships; and empower people to stop the future misuse and illegal use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Our teams provide presentations, research-based programs, trainings, and advocacy to work with community members in creating safe, nurturing, and healthy environments.

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Volunteer Need 1
Third Party Fundraiser | To keep our mission moving forward, we have a large fundraising goal each year. Luckily, local folks share in our goal to stop misuse and illegal use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. These folks host dinners, donate their birthday, or come up with other creative ways to raise dollars for that mission. We are excited to work with you. This form will help us work together: