Shalom Spirituality Center - ResourcesUnite!


Shalom Spirituality Center is a sacred space in a peaceful environment. The word “shalom” is a Hebrew word in Scripture that means peace. Shalom offers a great variety of individualized and group retreat opportunities and programs for persons of all ages, cultures and religious affiliations. Programs and retreats integrate spirituality in mind, body and heart. Programs exist for spiritual growth along with a prayerful environment for deepening one’s prayer life. Other emphases include: support and renewal for married persons, widowed and divorced and inter-generational groups such as grandparents/grandchildren; creating awareness, educating and supporting dialogue regarding different cultures and social issues; support and education for those who are in the grieving process; prayer opportunities such as Taize Prayer and Centering Prayer; promotion of physical and mental well being such as Tai Chi and Yoga; spiritual direction, a labyrinth and meditation garden, and relating to the arts — music and writing. A wellness center for therapeutic massage and healing touch is available for all attendees. Religious, nonprofit, civic, education, business and professional groups may rent the Shalom facility for meetings, staff/board retreats, spiritual gatherings, etc. (a few hours, a day, overnight or longer). Four conference rooms with a variety of sizes and decors are available to accommodate groups of 10-50. The chapel offers flexible seating for groups up to 130 people. Fifty-five private bedrooms (some double occupancy) and can sleep up to 75 people). Shalom’s food service department can accommodate your group’s snack and meal needs. (Special dietary needs can be accommodated.) Shalom’s atmosphere of spirituality and peacefulness attracts many groups and they return annually because they enjoy hospitality, central air conditioning, free wi-fi, reasonable rates and more. Background: Shalom Retreat Center was established in 1989 as a ministry of the Sisters of St. Francis and is included under the Sisters of St. Francis’ 501(c)(3) status. The building was constructed in 1881. In 1989, it became Shalom Retreat Center. The center is located adjacent to an 81-acre prairie and has many safe walking paths. In 2014, we changed the name of our Center from Shalom Retreat Center to Shalom Spirituality Center because the board and staff felt the word, “spirituality” describes our ministry in the 21st century. Shalom offers a significant amount of assistance for those unable to afford the full cost of a given program or retreat through contributed services and reduced fees. Shalom also keeps its fees very affordable. Shalom offers seekers an experience of place. The spirits of St. Francis and St. Clare and the Sisters of Saint Francis offer a stillpoint to an increasingly chaotic world. Shalom holds out an alternative to the stress and shifting sands of today’s living, and instead focuses retreatants on living lives of faith and deepening spirituality, which is life-giving and lasting.

Dana Weitz
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Volunteer Need 1
We have several scheduled retreats this summer where we will need volunteers to help with dishes. This is typically about 1.5 hours per meal. Volunteers are generally scheduled about a week in advance. This would be for dishes (run through machine): July 17th Supper 5:15 || July 18-22 Breakfast 7:45, Lunch 11:45, Supper 5:15 || July 23 breakfast 7:45 || August 5th Supper 5:15 || August 6th Breakfast 7:45, Lunch 11:45, Supper 5:15 || August 7th Breakfast 7:45, Lunch 11:45 || August 12th Supper 5:15 August 13th Breakfast 7:45, Lunch 11:45, Supper 5:15 August 14th Breakfast 7:45, Lunch 11:45
Volunteer Need 2
Shalom Meditation Garden flower gardener plant, water, and weed flower beds. April 30 - Oct. 1, 2016. 6 - 8 hours per week.
Volunteer Need 3
Shalom South Patio and Hosta Plant flower gardener: plant, water, and weed flower beds/pots. April 30 - Oct. 1, 2016. 6 - 8 hours per week (includes hostas by south patio and where grotto used to be).