Foster Grandparent Program - ResourcesUnite!


Project Concerns Foster Grandparent Program (FGP) enables children with special needs to achieve improved physical, mental, emotional, and social development while providing Senior Citizens an enriching and rewarding volunteer experience. Through the program, seniors 55 and older volunteer to mentor elementary school students on their reading skills. Foster Grandparents not only strengthen the community by providing valuable youth services, but by building bridges across generations and strenghtening the Dubuque Community.

Jamie Covell
Phone Number
(563)588-3980 ext. 114
Website Address
Volunteer Need 1
Foster Grandparent Volunteers: Work with students aged 3 - 11 at various daycare centers, elementary schools, preschools, and community centers. Identified students work one-to-one or in a small group with the volunteer to practice literacy and math skills. Volunteers become mentors to the students they work with and develop meaningful relationships throughout their time together.