Dubuque County Right to Life, Inc. - ResourcesUnite!


DCRTL is a nonprofit, educational organization dedicated to preserving and fostering respect for human life from conception to natural death. We educate the public about the dangers of abortion, euthanasia and infanticide. We work on efforts which recognize the personhood of all children, born and pre-born, the aged, and the handicapped. We work toward the total protection of every pre-born baby, regardless of how the child was conceived or whether he or she may have a disability.

Marian Bourek
Phone Number
Website Address
Facebook Page
Dubuque County Right to Life, Inc.
Volunteer Need 1
Office Assistance
Volunteer Need 2
Staff our educational exhibit booths at various community events
Volunteer Need 3
Speakers. Must first complete a comprehensive Speaker Training course offered thru' our office
Volunteer Need 4
Peaceful protesters at abortion facilities
Volunteer Need 5
Judges for our various contests (essay, speech, posters, etc.)