Complete Providers List - ResourcesUnite!

The following is a list of all the Providers and Agencies who are currently listed in our directory, categorized by Resource. To learn more about a Provider or Agency, simply click on their name to go to their Provider Profile page.

You can also search for specific Providers or Agencies.

$num_rows_res = $db_res->num_rows();

$db_prov = new ps_DB;

// Check if there are providers for this resource?

while ($db_res->next_record()) {

$sql = “SELECT * FROM provider WHERE rs_fk =” . $db_res->f(“rs_pk”) . ” AND pr_name<>””;

$num_rows_prov = $db_prov->num_rows();

// If a provider exists then print Index Item
if ($num_rows_prov>0) {

if ($count > 0) {
echo “| “;
echo “f(‘rs_name’) . “‘>” . $db_res->f(‘rs_name’) . ” Providers:



next_record()) {

echo ”  f(‘pr_pk’) . “>” . $db_prov->f(‘pr_name’) . “

} // End Provider While
