Organization Volunteer Form - ResourcesUnite!

Increase Your Volunteers!

If you would like Resources Unite to add your organization and your volunteer needs to our Volunteer page please fill out the form below and hit submit. We’ll do the rest!*

Organization Volunteer Opportunities

Please copy/paste your Facebook page URL (if applicable)
Please copy/paste your Twitter page URL (if applicable)
The mission statement blurb you add to this field will be included on the front page of the RU Volunteer page and needs to be shorter than 35 words. You will be able to expand on your mission below.
The mission statement you add to this field will be included on your organizations page on RU and needs to be shorter than 500 words.
Please attach your logo in jpg, gif, or png format. We will not be able to include your organization on the Volunteer page without your logo.
We will add a photo of your choosing to your organization's page on Resources Unite. The image should be of an organization activity or event; something that will connect with the reader and tell them more about your organization. This image must be at least 600x300 pixels wide and of high resolution. We can accept jpg, gif, or png formats.
Please be as descriptive as possible when it comes to describing your needs for this volunteer position in 100 words or less and include approximate hours/week. It's also beneficial to title each volunteer position.
Please select the category which best represents the population your serve. Select all that apply.
Yes, please add our organization's volunteer needs on Resources Unite and market the need through social media and other outlets. I understand Resources Unite has the right to refuse including our information on the website and has the right to add or remove it at any time.

*Please note: Submitting this form sends us your information required to add your opportunities to our website. However, this process is not automatic and may take a couple of days for us to add to the Volunteer page. Thanks for your patience! If you have any questions, please contact us.