Hello again, this is Jon. Once again I’d like to give the floor over to Jaclyn from the Care and Play with Me program. To read previous posts by Jaclyn, please go here and here.
That point in our journey has arrived, we’re ready to throw open our doors to the public! The furniture is in place, the toys are out, and the program components are set up. We’ve had some successful public outreach events within the community; most recently we were at the library during story hour on Monday and were able to connect with a lot of Caregivers. My hope is that our connections were genuine and lasting; my hope is that on day one of the program we will already have several Caregivers joining us!
To a point, sometimes that’s all you can do, hope. I hope that this program will make a difference, an impact in this community. I hope that we have created an environment in which Caregivers and their children feel safe and engaged. But mostly, I hope that each Caregiver that comes through our doors feels welcomed and has the opportunity to build lasting relationships with our staff and with the other Caregivers. At the end of the day, at the end of this journey, if even one Caregiver was positively impacted then it will all have been for the better.
I will update again after the program has opened, so stay tuned for more!
Our program opens Monday, Sept. 30th and will be meeting Mondays and Wednesdays 9-11am at Immanuel Congregational United Church of Christ at 1795 Jackson St. and Tuesdays and Thursdays 9-11am at St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church at 2025 Jackson St. The program runs through the entire school year and is open to all Caregivers and their children, infants and up. Please join us!
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