Dubuque Bike Coop - ResourcesUnite!


Our mission is to build community by utilizing bicycles to promote healthy living and wellness along with environmental sustainability. We are a volunteer-run non-profit operating under the 501(c)(3) status of the Dubuque Rescue Mission. We accept donated bicycles, repair them, and check them out to members of the community. Bikes are checked out for a period of three months. Deposits typically range from $50 to $100, depending on the quality of the bike. At the end of the three month period, if the patron returns the bicycle in similar condition, the full deposit minus a $25 shop fee will be returned. The bicycle is then tuned up to be checked out again. If the patron chooses to keep the bicycle beyond the three month check-out period, the bicycle’s City of Dubuque license will be transferred to the patron, and the bike is theirs to keep. Volunteer mechanics meet Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday nights from 6-8pm at the Coop space located at 2206 Central Avenue. Both experienced bike mechanics and those who would like to learn the art are welcome. Bike checkouts occur on a weekly basis and once per month at the downtown Farmers Market during the summer months.

Rob Williams
Phone Number
(319) 621-4455
Website Address
Volunteer Need 1
General volunteers - people to help with the day-to-day operations: taking in donations, organizing bikes/parts, talking with patrons, assisting with bike checkouts, learning/repairing bikes.
Volunteer Need 2
We would love to have a volunteer take over as webmaster: updating our website and posting information to social media.
Volunteer Need 3
Database administrator: create and maintain a database for our bikes and volunteers.