J4BG Family Center - ResourcesUnite!


On a Mission to provide a creative support system for struggling families through Value Exchange and Empowerment Directed activities. The three areas that we are focusing on this year are: Family Mentorship, Teen Night events, and creating a Teacher support network.

Larry Jackson
Phone Number
Website Address
Facebook Page
Twitter Page
Volunteer Need 1
General Volunteers 1: need individuals to help mentor/monitor kids on our teen nights (Friday nights) and our middle school events (Monday nights).
Volunteer Need 2
General Volunteers 2: need individuals with hands on skills to help us provide labor support for Teachers. Tasks may include: assisting in painting, moving, general household needs. Other activities may include: household repair: plumbing, electrical, general.
Volunteer Need 3
Become a Family Mentor: We are looking for stable families to provide 15 minute weekly support to at-risk families in the downtown area.