Office of the State Long-term Care Ombudsman - ResourcesUnite!


The mission of the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman is to protect the health, safety, welfare and rights of individuals residing in long-term care by investigating complaints, seeking resolutions to problems and providing advocacy with the goal of enhancing quality of life and care.

Iowa’s Long-Term Care Ombudsman program is responsible, through federal and state law, for advocating for residents and tenants of long-term care facilities, including nursing facilities, residential care facilities, assisted living programs and elder group homes.

The Office strives to fulfill this responsibility every day by working to resolve complaints that impact the health, safety and welfare of residents and tenants, as well as by informing residents and tenants of their rights.

Cairn Reisch
Phone Number
Website Address
Volunteer Need 1
Volunteer Ombudsman Location: Local Long-Term Care Facility Key Responsibilities: • Make regular visits (at least once a month for a minimum of three hours) to a long-term care facility. • Advocate to protect the rights of long-term care residents. • Observe, listen, and interact with residents and identify concerns. • Aid and empower residents in resolving concerns • Submit summary of work to program on monthly basis Qualifications: • Over the age of 18 • Required to pass criminal history and abuse registry checks • Willing to serve as a Certified Volunteer Ombudsman for at least 9-12 months Time Commitment: • 12 hours of pre-service training including classroom training, telephone interview, self-study, and consultation to become certified. • After certification, a minimum of three hours per month for 9-12 months.