Jon here with another guest post from Jaclyn from the Care and Play with Me Program. To read previous posts by Jaclyn, please go here, here, here and here.
Our program has been open for a little over a month now! We’ve met lots of new families both in community outreach events (you may have seen up at the Dubuque Kid’s Expo, the Library, or at the Dubuque Community YMCA/YWCA Halloween Parade) and during our program hours. The out pouring of support from the community has been wonderful to experience and everyone that learns about our program seems thrilled we’re here in their community.
Each month the program is opened there is a theme that goes along with the lesson plan for that month of sessions. Month two’s theme is “We are Part of a Community”. So this month we are learning about our community: Who’s in it? What is it? How do we fit into our community? How can we help our community?
Our themes range from learning about community helpers (firefighters, police officers, doctors, construction workers, farmers, veterinarians, dentists, paramedics, mail carriers, etc.) to learning about different types of housing (trailers, mobile homes, houses, apartments, condos, etc.) and learning about recycling to help our community.
I believe that the concept of ‘community’ is a very important one, and certainly a concept that children need to be a part of. What our community is and who we are in that community can help define us and give us purpose. Our Y value that goes along with the community theme is Respect. We respect those in our community, we respect our community and what it stands for, we respect the differences we see and are sensitive to the feelings of others, and we respect our community by helping our community (like through recycling).
I believe that Month Two’s theme “We are Part of a Community” has the power to create an impact, fostering a movement for the support and potential betterment of our community. I believe that this program goes beyond even that, I believe that this program has the power to impact not just our community but every community which is hosting a program like this. It’s important to support our Youth and their Caregivers. Likewise, it’s important to support our community. Together, partnering with the Community of Dubuque and the Caregivers, I believe we can make a lasting impact, a change for the better.
Thank you for reading! Please come down and join us, we still have room for lots of Caregivers and their children! We also are in need of volunteers for the program! For more information or to RSVP call the Dubuque Community YMCA/YWCA 563-556-3371 and ask for Jaclyn Sharp.
(Our program meets Mondays and Wednesdays 9-11am at Immanuel Congregational United Church of Christ at 1795 Jackson St. and Tuesdays and Thursdays 9-11am at St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church at 2025 Jackson St. The program runs through the entire school year and is open to all Caregivers and their children, infants and up. Please join us!)
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